Cycling 101 – Basic formwork and Pedal Stroke concepts
March 8 - Registration now open! (SOLD OUT) Cycling can be as basic as simply pushing your pedals down to move your bike forward, but what if you could use [...]
March 8 - Registration now open! (SOLD OUT) Cycling can be as basic as simply pushing your pedals down to move your bike forward, but what if you could use [...]
In winter, start your runs into the wind and finish them with the wind. This will help keep you from overheating at the start of your run and help [...]
February 22 - Registration now open! Sold Out Cycling can be as basic as simply pushing your pedals down to move your bike forward, but what if you could use [...]
by Emily E. I never thought I could complete a 10K run race. I started jogging about 3 years ago after we got a dog and walking her got boring. [...]
Wintertime is a great time of the year to practice changing a flat tire. Pull a tire from your bike, deflate it and start the tire changing process. Once [...]
We are excited to announce Experience Triathlon’s 2014 Spring Training Camp in Santa Barbara Wine Country - one of the top wine regions in the world! Camp will be [...]
One way to improve your run performance is to focus on your efficiency. A critical part of running economy is your leg turnover, or cadence. Counting how many times [...]
Spring 2014 session open for registration Miss the beginning of the class? No problem. Start any week! Contact us for prorated price. So, you want to run a half marathon? Whether [...]
Do your calves ever get tired or cramped while riding? Try dropping your heel 1-2" on the down stroke for 10-15 pedal strokes to create a stretch in the [...]
An indoor bike program that will move your cycling to the next level. Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional [...]
Setting a specific, aggressive finishing time at a new distance or race venue with a major change in terrain or weather is a sure fire way to increase stress [...]
Use group workouts to your advantage--if you always work out by yourself, try training with others to challenge yourself. Be careful, though, to maintain the intent of your workout! [...]
January 25 - Registration now open! Cycling can be as basic as simply pushing your pedals down to move your bike forward, but what if you could use your body [...]
Ahhhh, the holidays. It’s hard to believe, but they are upon us again! Following are some simple tips to help you be nutritionally smart, steady and consistent at those [...]
Feel like your strength and power drop off in those cold, dark winter months? Maybe it’s your vitamin D! Low vitamin D status leads to muscle weakness and pain. [...]
Many triathletes have a difficult time motivating themselves to get to the pool for a solo swim workout. Training with a group is a great way to combat this [...]
Winter session starts January 7. Registration is now open! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified coaching staff of Experience Triathlon will [...]
Do dynamic stretching before a swim, bike or run workout. Dynamic stretching includes movements that simulate the workout such as high knees and “butt kicks” before running. Static stretching [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
Using a power meter during racing will help you control your output on the bike which is critical, especially in long course racing, to be able to efficiently run [...]
Footstrike is an important aspect of proper running form. Where your foot contacts the ground is much more important than how it contacts the ground. It is recommended to [...]
No time for a sweaty gym workout? Consider this tip if you find yourself time crunched! At this hurried and hectic time of year, here are a few good reasons [...]
Engage your glute muscles as much as possible during hard interval work on the bike trainer. This will help ensure that you maintain good form during a state of [...]
Eat more vegetables. Really. Eat them in every color, with every meal, in every season. They’ve got a ridiculous amount of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic compounds. Think of them [...]
Train for the conditions of your “A” race—if you know your goal race for the year is going to be on a hilly course in the beginning of August [...]
Running fast in our races isn’t all about going fast on every workout, sometimes it’s about going slow. Putting too much strain on your body on every run opens [...]
Use of short fins or zoomers is a great way to improve your kick if you tend to have weak ankles or kick from the knee. The larger surface [...]
To reduce race day stress and improve overall performance, try setting your primary race goal to come away from the event knowing that you controlled everything well and raced [...]
Do you ever get tired of running on the treadmill during the cold winter months? Not sure how you could survive running outside in the freezing cold? Then join [...]
Always write down your workouts in a log—You can use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or Training Peaks. Whatever method you use, keeping track of the details of what you [...]
Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches will provide structured workouts and stroke improvement [...]
In order to be faster, you must go faster. Incorporate speed and interval training in your workouts such as 4x2 minute speed sets where you are running a 5k [...]
Team ET was out in full force for our hometown’s inaugural half and full marathon. Great, cool running temps made for an excellent race day for all. Our world [...]
Announcing the ET Holiday Pool Party – bathing suits optional! :-) We are happy to announce that this year Experience Triathlon will cover all costs for this event with the [...]
Use Computrainer or indoor bike trainer rides as a chance to work on "staying aero" while sipping from your water bottle. Engage your core, stabilizing from your hips and [...]
One Hour, Any Skill Level, Have Fun!! January 26, 2014 ||| March 9, 2014 The ET Indoor Triathlon Series is a great way to become a triathlete or test your training [...]
When strength training, performing the movements slower is better than fast for the following reasons: Longer period of muscle tension (work) Higher level of muscle force (intensity) Lower level of momentum (efficiency) Lower [...]
Training with a heart rate monitor—Besides giving you instant feedback of how hard you’re working, your HRM can be used as a tool to execute your running and cycling [...]
Good hand entry is critical for an efficient swim stroke. The hand should enter the water about 12-18" in front of the head and in line with the shoulder. Coach [...]
Keep your weight loss or weight management program on track during the holiday season starting with this simple strategy: Get your leftover Halloween candy OUT of your house...STAT!! If it's [...]
The secret to successful cold weather running is selecting the right clothing. For the legs, try running in tights! They actually keep the legs warmer than loose fitting warmup [...]
We are excited to announce ET CompuTrainer in downtown Chicago! Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional athletes, cyclists [...]
After 6 months of summer fun at Herrick Lake, we return to Starbucks on Chicago Ave in downtown Naperville for our winter season ET Run Club run and weekly [...]
by Diane R. What are you grateful for today? That was a post I read on a friend's Facebook page this morning while I was still flying high from completing [...]
We are excited to announce ET Masters in Carol Stream. The 25 yard, IHSA regulation size pool in the new Fountain View Recreation Center is the perfect place to [...]
by Laurie S. By now, it’s no secret that I will be doing the Big Sur Marathon in April of 2014. I’m already reading guidebooks and searching for ideas for [...]
We are excited to announce ET Run Club in downtown Chicago! ET Run Club is open to everyone, regardless of fitness level or running experience! Jim Levesque will be the [...]
by David Z. It all starts here before I knew I was even going. 2006 I quit smoking then gained weight to almost 300 lbs. I was going nowhere fast, well, actually [...]
An indoor bike program that will move your cycling to the next level. Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional [...]
Looking to get out of the cold Chicago winter? Come Run Famous with Team ET in Miami!! The Miami Marathon and Half Marathon course is one of the flattest, most [...]
by Jim R. I started on the road to Ironman four years ago, yet it seems like a lifetime ago, without even realizing back then this is where the journey [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
by Bill K. First and foremost I want to thank Joyce, my wife, and my family for their support throughout this entire process. Also, I want to express my appreciation [...]
by Cathy O. Racing is funny at times. There are times when you can’t wait for the race to be here and done and then there are times you can’t [...]
by Dale R. After 10 months of hard training, the time was finally here! I was physically ready and mentally prepared for what awaited me at Ironman Louisville. Heading down [...]
by Kristin B. USAT National Championship in Milwaukee. My A race of the year. I could write about so many great things related to this race, but to keep all [...]
by Tom Z. It all started back in 2003. I was working on an individual as a PTA when I noticed a tattoo on the back of the calf. Unbeknownst [...]
by Kim P. Hi Coach Joe! I may have been slow and I may have sold myself short, but I finished the Naperville Sprint Triathlon presented by Experience Triathlon only [...]
by Erin M. "I can't swim." "I'm not an athlete." I've dragged these old beliefs around like a chain on my leg for as long as I can remember. They are powerful [...]
by Nader A. I signed up last winter for the 2013 Naperville Triathlon presented by Experience Triathlon after having been road cycling for about a year. My wife's first comment [...]
Announcing a Team dinner opportunity for the night before Ironman Wisconsin! Here are the details: Who: Whoever would like to join us…all are welcome, including kids! What: Ironman Wisconsin pre-race Team dinner! Where: [...]
Last month the Experience Triathlon athletes and coaches made their way north for the highly popular Madison Summer Camp weekend of workouts, seminars and camaraderie. Coach Joe set the stage [...]
by Drew R. When you strip it down to its bare essentials, swimming is pretty simple. One hand pulls you through the water as you lift the other one out [...]
Fall session starts August 19 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
by Tanya L. In 2010, I volunteered at the Ironman Oceanside 70.3. What a fun experience! I decided that day I wanted to complete a 70.3 race. So I bought [...]
by Bill K. and Rob K. This was Bill’s second Racine HIM and Rob’s first. Rob: Dude! Great idea on doing the Racine Ironman 70.3 together this year! Bill: Yeah, thought [...]
by Rob K. This year’s ET Batavia Triathlon was my second tri and was much better than my first. I cut my swim time in half! I owe that to [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
July 26-28. Friday 5pm through Sunday noon This camp is sold out. Please watch for our Spring camp announcement soon! An exciting weekend of training and coached clinics in a small [...]
by Amy H. June 9, 2013 has finally arrived. I have been working toward this day for 1 year and 6 months. I started this journey the last week of [...]
A summer afternoon of food and fun with the ET family! - July 14 It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an afternoon of food [...]
Track interval running workouts and coaching for runners of all levels Experience Triathlon group track program is a weekly coached track interval workout under the guidance of Coach Joe LoPresto. [...]
by Kristin B. Yesterday (The ET Batavia Sprint Triathlon) was an amazing race. Coach Joe masterfully executed a well-organized, fun, inviting, competitive race that was supported by many wonderful volunteers. [...]
Summer session starts June 18. Registration now open! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts [...]
Summer session starts June 3 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
Triathlon specific group swimming and instruction for all abilities ET Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial Beach is a weekly swimming program designed for triathletes. USA certified coaches will provide [...]
by Amy H. After a long cold winter and with spring just not wanting to make a long term appearance in Chicago, Thursday April 25, 2013 finally arrived and I [...]
ET Run Club moves to our summer location on Saturday, May 4. Run Club is open to everyone – regardless of fitness level or running experience!! The experienced and [...]
The ET Batavia Triathlon and Duathlon is coming up on June 9, and we need your help! In addition to the triathlon and duathlon, we have youth events to produce [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
by Jim R. While Ironman Wisconsin isn’t until September 8, 2013, it’s been on my mind since signing up in September 2012. Lately it’s been on my mind more than [...]
Registration is now open! Get ready to Tri with Experience Triathlon's triathlon training class. Our USAT Certified Coaching staff will help you prepare for your first tri or improve on [...]
April 7 is first Sunday ride. May 8 is first Wednesday ride. Want to get out and enjoy the great outdoors, make new friends, ride in a safe group environment, [...]
Spring session starts April 9. Registration now open! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts [...]
by Amy H. Saturday started out as just a chilly early spring day, sunny but 35 degrees, with another trainer ride on the schedule. But wait, I scored a half [...]
April 20 - Registration now open! Cycling can be as basic as simply pushing your pedals down to move your bike forward, but what if you could use your body [...]
Join us on April 13 to celebrate our 500th Saturday morning Run Club. We can hardly believe that it’s been a decade since we decided to hold our first [...]
Track interval running workouts and coaching for runners of all levels Experience Triathlon group track program is a weekly coached track interval workout under the guidance of Coach Joe LoPresto. [...]
by Coach Sarah Time Trialing... what is it, exactly? It could be said that it is the ultimate cycling test of pushing oneself against oneself, and pushing oneself against the [...]
by Kelli Z. Every Thursday at 5:30am I “Run to Become” with Coach Joe and a small group of Experience Triathlon teammates. It is a great way to start my [...]
by Sarah F. Do you believe in second chances? Maybe even third or fourth chances? I do. I shouldn’t even be doing this sport, for all intents and purposes. I am not [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
by Sarah F. Endurance athletes know what it takes to prepare for an event: hours upon hours of training, sometimes with little time for recovery between workouts. They know the [...]
by Susan G. For those of you who know me, I have a ton of enthusiasm and excitement. So I don’t think that there was anyone else from Experience Triathlon [...]
A power meter enables you to monitor and adjust training and racing effort, and energy expenditure, more accurately than ever before. Get hard data that ensures perfect pacing to [...]
Spring session starts February 18 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
An evening of fun with the ET crew! It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an evening of fun and fellowship. This event is not [...]
Winter 2013 session starts January 29. Registration now open! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured [...]
Did you see the live ABC News interview with Coach Joe at the ET Indoor Triathlon this morning? If not, here's the replay! Congrats to all our finishers and a [...]
An indoor bike program that will move your cycling to the next level. Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional [...]