Half Marathon Training Class Spring 2013
Spring 2013 session open for registration So, you want to run a half marathon? Whether you’re a first-timer or you’re looking to improve your performance at the half marathon distance, [...]
Spring 2013 session open for registration So, you want to run a half marathon? Whether you’re a first-timer or you’re looking to improve your performance at the half marathon distance, [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
Experience Triathlon announces it will celebrate the holiday tradition of giving to others by holding a campaign for Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, the anchor organization dedicated to making [...]
We are excited to announce Experience Triathlon’s 2013 Spring Training Camp in Santa Barbara Wine Country - one of the top wine regions in the world! Camp will be [...]
by Sarah F. Endurance athletes know what it takes to prepare for an event: hours upon hours of training, sometimes with little time for recovery between workouts. They know the [...]
Winter session starts November 19 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
ET Run Club is open to everyone – regardless of fitness level or running experience!! The experienced and certified coaches of Experience Triathlon invite you to come join one [...]
One Hour, Any Skill Level, Have Fun!! January 13, 2013 ||| March 3, 2013 The ET Indoor Triathlon Series is a great way to become a triathlete or test your training [...]
by Bob H. When I signed up to do the Mount Desert Island marathon, I had not begun training with Experience Triathlon, had not met Coach Joe and had not [...]
ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts and stroke improvement instruction at each one-hour [...]
by Aaron A. When I finished my second Chicago Marathon last year, my ET blog post talked about my next challenge being mental toughness during the race. However, I think [...]
An evening of fun with the ET crew! It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an evening of fun and fellowship. This event is not [...]
by Tanya L. I would never have thought that two years after dropping out at mile eight of a half marathon because I allowed my inner demons to win that [...]
Skill & technique oriented cycling clinic - December 1, 2012 - Central Park Lisle Where can we find more speed on the bike? Does it boil down to using a [...]
by Elliott L. Today I arrived at what I consider the halfway point of a dream that was born in April of this year. Before April I never swam, biked [...]
by Mike L. "Don't start too hard. Don't start too hard. Don't start too hard." I had been working with Coach Joe for six months, and when we went [...]
Please join me and the world famous ET Cheer Crew as we yell and scream for our athletes and 40,000 of their new friends at one of the greatest [...]
Looking to get out of the cold Chicago winter? Come Run Famous with Team ET in Miami!! The ING Miami Marathon and Half Marathon course is one of the flattest, [...]
by Sherri H. If you know me, you know I don’t have an overwhelming need to participate in a lot of races. My races aren’t planned out a year [...]
An indoor bike program that will move your cycling to the next level. Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional [...]
by Jeff P. A couple of years ago, I wrote a long piece titled An Incredible Ironman Journey detailing the wonderful and emotional journey that led up to the 2010 [...]
by Laurie S. I love half marathons. I think it’s a great distance: long enough to feel that you’ve trained for something but not so long that the training or [...]
by Bob H. My journey to Ironman began in 1978 when I read about these crazy people in Hawaii doing a race that included 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
by Judie R. The suitcases are back in the attic, the TriTats are scrubbed off, and it’s the end of another race weekend that was not like any I’ve done [...]
by Joel E. It’s amazing how life works sometimes, isn’t it? My triathlon career started about 11 years ago as the result of a torn ACL in my left knee [...]
by Jim L. I think my story of the Steelhead Ironman 70.3 has to begin this past winter, because this offseason laid the foundation for having such a special race [...]
by Tom S. 8+ months of training have paid off, as I finished the Vineman 70.3 on Sunday, July 15th. I’m happy to report that I finished with a smile [...]
by Drew R. As I stood on the beach surrounded by nearly two thousand of my fellow triathletes, I was enjoying the feel of sand under my bare feet. As [...]
by Jim R. I had an awesome experience at Ironman Racine 70.3, my first long distance race course. The journey began on Friday when Kevin and I drove up after [...]
Skill & technique oriented cycling clinic - September 22, 2012 - Central Park Lisle Where can we find more speed on the bike? Does it boil down to using a [...]
by Pete J. We all get into triathlons for different reasons. I got sucked in listening to my sister regale me about her first tri last summer in Charlotte where [...]
Fall session starts August 21 - Registration open! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts [...]
by Laura C. For me, it’s always fun doing events for the first time. 2012 was a year of many “firsts” for me. Since I joined Experience Triathlon and became [...]
An evening of fun with the ET crew! It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an evening of fun and fellowship. This event is not [...]
by Sal D. Tips for Beginning Swimmers from an Overanalytical, Somewhat Battle-Tested, Almost-Beginning Swimmer Human bodies and bodies of water go together perfectly. But only if the body of water is [...]
Fall session starts August 20 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
by Jill A. This year was a success at Racine 70.3 Ironman! What an awesome and grueling day all at the same time. Silly as it may sound, one of [...]
by Kelli Z. Well, it is Sunday night at 8pm and I am ready to head for bed. Yes, it is a pretty early bedtime but you have to understand [...]
by Tanya L. I’ve always been fascinated with the city of New York. “New York, New York, a town so nice, they named it twice,” as David Letterman says. So [...]
by Amanda L. My family recently attended a picnic hosted by some of our oldest friends. In response to my parents RSVP, the host replied, “It’ll be good to have [...]
by Bill K. Training for longer duration triathlon events takes a good deal of time and effort. There were 4:30 am morning swims and evening and weekend training in preparation [...]
by Cathy O. You’re probably wondering why I’m thanking the year already when the year isn’t even over yet, right? While some of my colleagues are continuing on their racing [...]
by Jeff P. One indisputable fact I have learned from triathlon racing – there is no such thing as a perfect race. There are just too many moving parts and [...]
by Glenn S. What a great feeling to have completed Ironman 70.3 Racine, my first half Ironman. For such a long time the big race seemed so far away. Now [...]
by Kristin Bagley Last month I was interviewed by a writer at Chicago Athlete Magazine. This was my first interview and before hand I ran through all the possible questions [...]
How cool is this? Laurie and Drew get an interview opportunity at Ironman 70.3 Racine. Great job guys! Tyler, Cheryl and Cathy even got in the video! Way [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
by Wendy H. 102 Degrees. A 55 minute Fartlek workout. And the first Laurie Sweat Test of the season. I get all ready, strapping on heart rate monitor, sunglasses, and hat. [...]
by Natalie H. I was so excited to be going into my first race, Naperville SheRox Tri, after deciding to work with a coach from Experience Triathlon. Thank goodness [...]
by Amy H. When I made the decision to lose weight I naturally thought I would measure my success on what the scale told me. For a while I was [...]
A summer afternoon of food and fun with the ET family! It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an afternoon of food and fellowship. This [...]
by Sarah F. Pleasant Prairie, here I come! I just realized this morning that it’s been over TWO years since I’ve gotten to race in a triathlon, and this weekend [...]
Track interval running workouts and coaching for runners of all levels Experience Triathlon group track program is a weekly coached track interval workout under the guidance of USA Track & [...]
by Kelli Z. On June 10th I participated in the ET Batavia Triathlon. I also celebrated my first year as a triathlete. How does a wife and mother of two [...]
July 27-29. Friday 5pm through Sunday noon An exciting weekend of training and coached clinics in a small group setting presented by the USAT certified ET coaching staff. Designed to move [...]
by Amanda L. Since October of 2011, it has felt like rather than focusing on getting faster, stronger, and tougher, my training has been about moderation, control, and self-discipline. Why? [...]
by Alyse K. In March of 2011 I committed to losing weight and getting back in shape. I started a weight loss program and worked out six days a week. [...]
by Bob H. I was feeling bad about missing the ET Batavia Triathlon and Duathlon and helping my ET teammates run a great event. That was the only bad feeling [...]
ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts and stroke improvement instruction at each one-hour [...]
Join USA Triathlon certified Coach Suzy Cerra of Experience Triathlon Coaching Services and other beginner and intermediate triathletes for this clinic focused on preparing you to have the best [...]
Summer session starts June 5 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
by Jim R. The Experience Triathlon group shook off the cobwebs of all the off-season training we do during those cold dark days of winter at Galena this last weekend. [...]
Triathlon specific group swimming and instruction for all abilities ET Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial Beach is a weekly swimming program designed for triathletes. USA certified coaches will provide [...]
by Coach Joe OMG was that HOT!! Might have been the hottest day in Galena Tri history! Congrats to all the finishers, and a huge THANK YOU to our world [...]
by Coach Suzy If there is such thing as an "earthly angel", my good friend and loyal client, Kathy Fleckenstein (aka "Flecky") embodies it. I have always said that it [...]
Skill & technique oriented cycling clinic - June 16 - Central Park Lisle Where can we find more speed on the bike? Does it boil down to using a new [...]
by Bob H. About a week out from Boston, my friend wrote to say that it was going to be about 80 degrees on race Monday. As the week progressed, [...]
“We love the hills because they make us stronger and faster!” Join us for this special hill running clinic and workout presented by Dave Walters on May 31 at [...]
by Andy R. Well, the moment I’ve been waiting for. The post-race write-up. Does this mean I finished? You’ll have to read on for that. Does this mean I survived? [...]
by Susan G. 10 months ago I sat in a doctor’s office and heard the results of a series of tests. I was diagnosed with a rare heart condition that [...]
NAPERVILLE, May 10, 2012 – Premier Event Management (PEM) is pleased to announce Experience Triathlon as the presenting sponsor of The Naperville Sprint Triathlon. The 2012 Naperville Sprint Triathlon [...]
The ET Batavia Triathlon and Duathlon is coming up on June 10, and we need your help! In addition to the triathlon and duathlon, we are adding a new [...]
NAPERVILLE, May 7, 2012 – Experience Triathlon is pleased to announce the formation of ET Testing Services, a world class performance enhancement testing program, in partnership with Exercising Nutritionally. [...]
ET Run Club moves to our summer location on Saturday, May 5. Run Club is open to everyone – regardless of fitness level or running experience!! The experienced and [...]
Welcome to Solvang! What a welcome it was for the Experience Triathlon team during our 2012 Spring Training Camp trip to Solvang, California. Solvang is known as the Danish [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
Join other beginner and intermediate triathletes for this clinic on triathlon training and racing presented by USA Triathlon certified coaches Joe LoPresto and Suzy Cerra. Topics will include gear selection, [...]
If one of your cycling goals is to be more efficient, feel more nimble & be more confident on hills, then come join us for this 90-minute “on-the-hill” climbing [...]
We are constantly in motion. As athletes, we are no strangers to the role our muscles play in our endeavors. We are no strangers to the stress we put [...]
April 15 is first Sunday ride. May 9 is first Wednesday ride. Want to get out and enjoy the great outdoors, make new friends, ride in a safe group environment, [...]
It’s most riders worst nightmare – a problem with the bike. A flat tire, broken chain or cable, bent gear shifter, torn tire, bent rim or no spare tube [...]
by Amy H. How do you get to the start line at the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle? For me the journey started almost two years ago, although I didn’t know it [...]
New Tuesday 6am session added!! ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts and stroke improvement [...]
Track interval running workouts and coaching for runners of all levels Experience Triathlon group track program is a weekly coached track interval workout under the guidance of USA Track & [...]
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An ET day trip to Madison, WI Join us for the ET tradition of our one day road trip to the Crazylegs Classic 8K in Madison, WI on April 28th. [...]
Our 2012 ET Indoor Triathlon Series is off to a great start. The January and February races were big fun. Congrats to all the finishers and a huge THANK [...]
Spring session starts February 27 - Registration open! Group swim and instruction for all abilities ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA certified coaches [...]
Skill & technique oriented cycling clinic - March 10 - Central Park Lisle Where can we find more speed on the bike? Does it boil down to using a new [...]
Are you willing to become everything you are meant to be? Do you want to breakthrough in training, racing and life? How are you going to make that happen? Run [...]
An evening of fun with the ET crew! It’s not all about training and racing at Experience Triathlon. Come share an evening of fun and fellowship. This event is not just for [...]
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Spring 2012 session open for registration So, you want to run a half marathon? Whether you’re a first-timer or you’re looking to improve your performance at the half marathon distance, [...]
"Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true" - Pinocchio Congrats to all our finishers and a big [...]
At Experience Triathlon we make dreams come true. Are you ready to Become? Thank you Steph and Jen for producing this video!
An indoor bike program that will move your cycling to the next level. Want to get faster on the bike for next race season? ET CompuTrainer can help! Proven by professional [...]
by Andy R Survive the tide, cruise the ride, enjoy the stride A word of caution before reading this. It’s long. Really long. I’ve decided to write it in one pass [...]
Group swim and instruction for all abilities. ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers. USA Certified Coach Judie Refvik will provide structured workouts and [...]