What are you grateful for today?

What are you grateful for today?

Diane and Suzy at Sycamore 10k 2013by Diane R.

What are you grateful for today?  That was a post I read on a friend’s Facebook page this morning while I was still flying high from completing the Sycamore 10K Pumpkin Run.  It really got me thinking, and now I would like to share today’s grateful thoughts with you.

First and foremost, I am soooo thankful for Coach Suzy.  Without her positive encouragement to sign up for this race, I would have missed out on an AWESOME experience.  Thank you, Suzy, really and truly thank you so much.  I am also grateful for all the wonderful things today that made this race an awesome experience.  There was nothing earth-shattering or life changing… it was a million small things that made it so great: friends, gorgeous weather, friendly people, two beautiful horses prancing in a field, a couple of toddlers dressed in adorable costumes dancing to their own music as we passed by, funny signs posted by locals, good music on my iPod, no music when my headphones broke allowing me to soak in the sounds of the race, no aches or pains, a man leading six kids on the run and doing crazy things to make it fun for them (like stopping to let them all climb a tree), a woman pushing a baby jogger that had three dogs in it, costumes, water stations at the perfect moments, a better race time than I expected,  and last but certainly not least, the world famous ET Cheer Crew at the end of the race!

This morning’s experience reminded me to savor and appreciate all that is good in life… and there is so much!  Thank you again, Coach Suzy and everyone at Experience Triathlon, for your support.

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