
Cancelled. Beach is closed. Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial – 2023

5:00 pm - 5:50 pm
Centennial Beach
500 West Jackson Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540

The beach just posted that due to low patronage and cool temps, they are closing for the remainder of the day. Our open water clinic is canceled tonight.

Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial – 2023

Triathlon specific group swimming and instruction for all abilities!

ET Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial Beach is a weekly swimming program designed for triathletes. We'll provide structured workout sets to build endurance and triathlon specific skill instruction such as open water sighting, wave starts, drafting, buoy turns, and bumping. We'll also have a coach in the water to help "new to the deep end" swimmers build confidence in open water swimming.

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Cancelled. Beach is closed. Open Water Swim Clinics at Centennial – 2023