
The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
4/4(1 event)

Cancelled..Run Club 2020


Run ClubRun Club 2020

The certified coaches and run leaders of Experience Triathlon invite you to come join one of our regular group runs that are held on Saturday mornings. We run outside year round!

One of the highlights of our group run is the coffee social hour held after every run — after all, who doesn’t run to EAT?

We start the run at 7:30am!  Optional group warmup stretching and socializing starts at 7:15am.

Start location and route announced each week on the Wednesday prior to Saturday run.  Google map link to the start location will be posted to the right on Wednesday.

This weeks route is... Fermi via Honey Milk.  Click here for run club route maps page!

Click the link below for more details, all the benefits of ET Run Club, and to sign up today!

