Training Tip – Practice Your Transitions

Training Tip – Practice Your Transitions

Practice your transitions–the cheapest and easiest speed you will ever come by will be from improving your transition! In many races, the difference between the winner and being off the podium is less than a minute, and a speedy transition could make all the difference. Set up your transition in your garage, driveway, or a parking lot and walk through all of the movements slowly and memorize the movement pattern of putting on your shoes, putting on your helmet, and so on and gradually increase the speed of the movements as you practice. Practice your transitions at every opportunity, but especially in workouts that include a run after a bike.

Coach Judie squareJudie Refvik is a USA Certified Triathlon Coach with Experience Triathlon. As leaders in the endurance services industry, Coach Judie and the Experience Triathlon team help athletes of all ages and abilities achieve success in training, racing and life. Learn more about Coach Judie and Experience Triathlon at

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